
Chapter 34 / Keep Down

She kept saying “Keep down!” like she was afraid they’d see me, but I was the one who spotted the cars first, just like I spotted the smoke from the campfires first. Four different cars drove by, one about every ten minutes. I thought it was Merridew or Mr. Karch – that maybe Danny was with them. But these cars looked polished and nice, not like our burned-up beaters. All the cars would slow down as they passed this little weedy side road that the girl said was the entrance to Andersonville. But then they would just drive on past.

When the last one passed, I said, “The barrier is busted and the fence ain’t even high, let’s go in. They won’t follow us.” The girl acted like she was mad but she didn’t stop me. I walked out to the side of the road. But then I saw another car coming. I wanted to jump back into the brush but it was too late. The car’s lights flashed and it sped up, heading right for us.

34 girl, kid